Welcome to
High Desert
Gems Homestead
Learning everyday on this journey of life
We are a small homestead located in Nampa, ID. Our family has been located here since 1940. We are working to build, learn and expand what our ancestors started all those years ago.
We can our own fruits & vegetables every year while trying to learn & expand our knowledge to make things work better for us.
Nigerian Dwarfs
We have a performance herd of goats and participate in Linear Appraisal as well as milk testing.
All our goats on the farm are tested annually for CAE, CL & Johnes.
Because we are a homestead our first priority is milk production, with an emphasis on confirmation and general appearance.
All our goats are registered through ADGA and are shown in 4H and open shows locally.
On our homestead we raise & breed rabbits primarily for meat purposes but also pets and for 4H.
Currently we have Rex and hope to be adding Champagne D'Argents soon.
Our numbers of available rabbits varies by the season, so if your interested please contact us for more information.
Farm Products
From the raw goat milk provided by our goats we make a variety of products with it.
Soaps, lotions, bath bombs.
When our does are in milk we also offer raw milk in 1/2-1gal.
In the spring will we also begin to offer Cold Process soap making classes.
We also offer products from our rabbits & eggs from our chickens when we have them in stock.
The greatest fine art of the future will be making a comfortable living from a small piece of land" - Abraham Lincoln